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1"""The base configuration model class [`BaseConfig`][configzen.config.BaseConfig].""" 


3from __future__ import annotations 1abcdefgh


5from import Callable, Iterable, Mapping 1abcdefgh

6from contextlib import suppress 1abcdefgh

7from contextvars import ContextVar 1abcdefgh

8from dataclasses import dataclass 1abcdefgh

9from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, NamedTuple, cast 1abcdefgh


11from anyio.to_thread import run_sync 1abcdefgh

12from pydantic import BaseModel, PrivateAttr 1abcdefgh

13from pydantic._internal._config import config_keys as pydantic_config_keys 1abcdefgh

14from pydantic._internal._model_construction import ModelMetaclass 1abcdefgh

15from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings 1abcdefgh

16from pydantic_settings.main import SettingsConfigDict 1abcdefgh


18from configzen.context import isolated_context_coroutine, isolated_context_function 1abcdefgh

19from import roundtrip_update_mapping 1abcdefgh

20from configzen.processor import ConfigProcessor, FileSystemAwareConfigProcessor 1abcdefgh

21from configzen.routes import ( 1abcdefgh


23 GetAttr, 

24 GetItem, 

25 LinkedRoute, 

26 Route, 

27 RouteLike, 

28 advance_linked_route, 


30from configzen.sources import ConfigSource, get_config_source 1abcdefgh


32if TYPE_CHECKING: 1abcdefgh

33 from import Iterator 


35 from pydantic import ConfigDict as BaseConfigDict 

36 from typing_extensions import Self, Unpack 


38 from import Data 

39 from configzen.routes import Step 



42__all__ = ("BaseConfig", "ModelConfig") 1abcdefgh



45class ModelConfig(SettingsConfigDict, total=False): 1abcdefgh

46 """Meta-configuration for configzen models.""" 


48 config_source: str | ConfigSource[Any, Any] 1abcdefgh

49 rebuild_on_load: bool 1abcdefgh

50 processor_factory: Callable[..., ConfigProcessor] 1abcdefgh



53pydantic_config_keys |= set(ModelConfig.__annotations__) 1abcdefgh

54processing: ContextVar[ProcessingContext | None] = ContextVar( 1abcdefgh

55 "processing", 

56 default=None, 


58owner_lookup: ContextVar[BaseConfig] = ContextVar("owner") 1abcdefgh



61class ProcessingContext(NamedTuple): 1abcdefgh

62 model_class: type[BaseConfig] 1abcdefgh

63 processor: ConfigProcessor 1abcdefgh

64 # We keep it mainly to make path resolution smarter. 

65 trace: list[ConfigSource[Any, Any]] 1abcdefgh



68def _locate( 1abcdefgh

69 owner: object, 

70 value: object, 

71 route: Route, 

72 subconfig: BaseConfig, 

73) -> Iterator[Route]: 

74 # Complex case: a subconfiguration in a subkey. 

75 if value is owner: 

76 return 

77 attribute_access = False 

78 if isinstance(value, BaseModel): 

79 value = value.model_dump() 

80 attribute_access = True 

81 if isinstance(value, Mapping): 

82 yield from _locate_in_mapping( 

83 value, 

84 subconfig, 

85 route, 

86 attribute_access=attribute_access, 

87 ) # Complex case: a subconfiguration in an iterable. 

88 elif isinstance(value, Iterable): 

89 yield from _locate_in_iterable(value, subconfig, route) 



92def _locate_in_mapping( 1abcdefgh

93 data: Mapping[Any, Any], 

94 subconfig: BaseConfig, 

95 base_route: Route = EMPTY_ROUTE, 

96 *, 

97 attribute_access: bool = False, 

98) -> Iterator[Route]: 

99 for key, value in data.items(): 

100 # Simple case: a subconfiguration at the current key. 

101 route = base_route.enter(GetAttr(key) if attribute_access else GetItem(key)) 

102 if value is subconfig: 

103 yield route 

104 continue 

105 # Complex case. 

106 yield from _locate( 

107 owner=data, 

108 value=value, 

109 route=route, 

110 subconfig=subconfig, 

111 ) 



114def _locate_in_iterable( 1abcdefgh

115 data: Iterable[object], 

116 subconfig: BaseConfig, 

117 base_route: Route = EMPTY_ROUTE, 

118) -> Iterator[Route]: 

119 for idx, value in enumerate(data): 

120 # Simple case: a subconfiguration at the current index. 

121 route = base_route.enter(GetItem(idx)) 

122 if value is subconfig: 

123 yield route 

124 continue 

125 # Complex case. 

126 yield from _locate( 

127 owner=data, 

128 value=value, 

129 route=route, 

130 subconfig=subconfig, 

131 ) 



134class BaseConfigMetaclass(ModelMetaclass): 1abcdefgh

135 model_config: ModelConfig 1abcdefgh


137 if not TYPE_CHECKING: 137 ↛ exitline 137 didn't exit the body of class 'BaseConfigMetaclass', because the condition on line 137 was always true1abcdefgh

138 # Allow type-safe route declaration instead of using strings. 

139 # Instead of writing"foo"), we can write 

140 # to ensure full type safety backed by a membership check at runtime. 

141 # 

142 # Shoutout to Micael Jarniac for the suggestion. 


144 def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: 1abcdefgh

145 if name in self.model_fields: 1abcdefgh

146 return LinkedRoute(self, GetAttr(name)) 1abcdefgh

147 raise AttributeError(name) 1abcdefgh



150class BaseConfig(BaseSettings, metaclass=BaseConfigMetaclass): 1abcdefgh

151 """Base class for all configuration models.""" 


153 _config_source: ConfigSource[Any, Any] = PrivateAttr() 1abcdefgh

154 _config_data: Data = PrivateAttr(default_factory=dict) 1abcdefgh

155 _config_processor: ConfigProcessor = PrivateAttr() 1abcdefgh

156 _config_root: BaseConfig | None = PrivateAttr(default=None) 1abcdefgh


158 def __init__(self, **data: Any) -> None: 1abcdefgh

159 try: 1abcdefgh

160 owner = owner_lookup.get() 1abcdefgh

161 except LookupError: 1abcdefgh

162 owner = None 1abcdefgh

163 if processing.get(): 163 ↛ 164line 163 didn't jump to line 164, because the condition on line 163 was never true1abcdefgh

164 owner_lookup.set(self) 

165 super().__init__(**data) 1abcdefgh

166 self._config_root = owner 1abcdefgh


168 # Mark the configzen's constructor as a non-custom constructor. 

169 __init__.__pydantic_base_init__ = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] 1abcdefgh


171 @property 1abcdefgh

172 def config_root(self) -> BaseConfig: 1abcdefgh

173 """Return the root configuration that was used to load the entire data.""" 

174 return self._config_root or self 


176 @property 1abcdefgh

177 def config_source(self) -> ConfigSource[Any, Any] | None: 1abcdefgh

178 """Return the configuration source that was used to load the configuration.""" 

179 if self._config_root is None: 

180 # Since _config_source is a private attribute 

181 # without a default value, we need to use getattr 

182 # to avoid an AttributeError in case this attribute 

183 # was not set (which may happen when the configuration 

184 # is instantiated manually). 

185 return getattr(self, "_config_source", None) 

186 return self._config_root.config_source 


188 @property 1abcdefgh

189 def config_data(self) -> Data: 1abcdefgh

190 """Return the configuration that was loaded from the configuration source.""" 

191 if self._config_root is None: 

192 return self._config_data 

193 return self._config_root.config_data 


195 @property 1abcdefgh

196 def config_processor(self) -> ConfigProcessor: 1abcdefgh

197 """ 

198 Current configuration processor. 


200 Processor stores the initial data used when loading the configuration, 

201 resolves macros etc. 

202 """ 

203 if self._config_root is None: 

204 if not hasattr(self, "_config_processor"): 

205 return FileSystemAwareConfigProcessor(self.config_dump()) 

206 return self._config_processor 

207 return self._config_root.config_processor 


209 def config_find_routes( 1abcdefgh

210 self, 

211 subconfig: BaseConfig, 

212 ) -> set[Route]: 

213 """ 

214 Locate all occurrences of a subconfiguration in the current configuration. 


216 Return a set of routes to the located subconfiguration. 

217 """ 

218 if not isinstance(subconfig, BaseConfig): 

219 msg = f"Expected a BaseConfig subclass instance, got {type(subconfig)!r}" 

220 raise TypeError(msg) 

221 return set( 

222 _locate_in_mapping(vars(self), subconfig, attribute_access=True), 

223 ) 


225 def config_find_route(self, subconfig: BaseConfig) -> Route: 1abcdefgh

226 """Locate exactly one (closest) route to the given subconfiguration.""" 

227 all_routes = self.config_find_routes(subconfig) 

228 if not all_routes: 

229 msg = f"Unable to locate subconfiguration {subconfig}" 

230 raise LookupError(msg) 

231 return next(iter(all_routes)) 


233 @classmethod 1abcdefgh

234 def _validate_config_source( 1abcdefg

235 cls, 

236 source: object | None = None, 

237 ) -> ConfigSource[Any, Any]: 

238 if source is None: 

239 source = cls.model_config.get("config_source") 

240 if source is None: 

241 msg = f"No config source provided when loading {cls.__name__}" 

242 raise ValueError(msg) 

243 if not isinstance(source, ConfigSource): 

244 source = get_config_source(source) 

245 if source is None: 

246 msg = ( 

247 f"Could not create a config source from {source!r} " 

248 f"of type {type(source)!r}" 

249 ) 

250 raise ValueError(msg) 

251 return source 


253 @classmethod 1abcdefgh

254 def _validate_processor_factory( 1abcdefg

255 cls, 

256 processor_factory: Callable[..., ConfigProcessor] | None = None, 

257 ) -> Callable[..., ConfigProcessor]: 

258 return ( 

259 processor_factory 

260 or cast( 

261 "Callable[..., ConfigProcessor] | None", 

262 cls.model_config.get("config_processor_factory"), 

263 ) 

264 or FileSystemAwareConfigProcessor 

265 ) 


267 @classmethod 1abcdefgh

268 def _try_rebuild_model(cls) -> None: 1abcdefgh

269 # Possible scenarios: 

270 # (sync) Frame 1: <class>.config_load() 

271 # (sync) Frame 2: isolated_context_function.<locals>.copy() 

272 # (sync) Frame 3: run_isolated() 

273 # (sync) Frame 4: <class>.config_load() 

274 # (sync) Frame 5: <class>.model_rebuild() 

275 # 

276 # (async) Frame 1: <class>.config_load_async() 

277 # (async) Frame 2: isolated_context_function.<locals>.copy() 

278 # (async) Frame 3: run_isolated() 

279 # (async) Frame 4: <class>.config_load() 

280 # (async) Frame 5: <class>.model_rebuild() 

281 if cls.model_config["rebuild_on_load"]: 

282 with suppress(Exception): 

283 cls.model_rebuild(_parent_namespace_depth=5) 


285 @classmethod 1abcdefgh

286 @isolated_context_function 1abcdefgh

287 def config_load( 1abcdefg

288 cls, 

289 source: object | None = None, 

290 *, 

291 processor_factory: Callable[..., ConfigProcessor] | None = None, 

292 ) -> Self: 

293 """ 

294 Load this configuration from a given source. 


296 Parameters 

297 ---------- 

298 source 

299 Where to load the configuration from. The argument passed is forwarded 

300 to `confizen.sources.get_config_source()` which will resolve 

301 the intended configuration source: for example, "abc.ini" will be resolved 

302 to a TOML text file source. Keep in mind, however, that for binary formats 

303 such as non-XML Plist you must specify its format type to binary, so in 

304 that case just create `BinaryFileConfigSource("plist_file.plist")`. 

305 processor_factory 

306 The state factory to use to parse the newly loaded configuration data. 


308 Returns 

309 ------- 

310 self 


312 """ 

313 cls._try_rebuild_model() 


315 # Validate the source we load our configuration from. 

316 config_source = cls._validate_config_source(source) 


318 # Validate the processor we use to parse the loaded configuration data. 

319 make_processor = cls._validate_processor_factory(processor_factory) 


321 # Load the configuration data from the sanitized source. 

322 # Keep in mind the loaded data object keeps all the additional 

323 # metadata that we want to keep. 

324 # Then we pass it to the processor factory to process the configuration data 

325 # into a bare dictionary that does not hold anything else 

326 # than the configuration data, by using `processor.get_processed_data()`. 

327 processor = make_processor(config_source.load()) 


329 processing_context = ProcessingContext(cls, processor, trace=[config_source]) 

330 processing.set(processing_context) 

331 # ruff: noqa: FBT003 

332 try: 

333 # Processing will execute any commands that are present 

334 # in the configuration data and return the final configuration 

335 # data that we will use to construct an instance of the configuration model. 

336 # During this process, we lose all the additional metadata that we 

337 # want to keep in the configuration data. 

338 # They will be added back to the exported data when the configuration 

339 # is saved (`processor.revert_processor_changes()`). 

340 self = cls(**processor.get_processed_data()) 

341 finally: 

342 processing.set(None) 


344 # Quick setup and we're done. 

345 self._config_source = config_source 

346 self._config_processor = processor 

347 return self 


349 @classmethod 1abcdefgh

350 @isolated_context_coroutine 1abcdefgh

351 async def config_load_async( 1abcdefg

352 cls, 

353 source: object | None = None, 

354 *, 

355 processor_factory: Callable[..., ConfigProcessor] | None = None, 

356 ) -> Self: 

357 """ 

358 Do the same as `config_load`, but asynchronously (no I/O blocking). 


360 Parameters 

361 ---------- 

362 source 

363 Where to load the configuration from. The argument passed is forwarded 

364 to `confizen.sources.get_config_source()` which will resolve 

365 the intended configuration source: for example, "abc.ini" will be resolved 

366 to a TOML text file source. Keep in mind, however, that for binary formats 

367 such as non-XML Plist you must specify its format type to binary, so in 

368 that case just create `BinaryFileConfig"plist_file.plist")`. 

369 processor_factory 

370 The state factory to use to parse the newly loaded configuration data. 


372 Returns 

373 ------- 

374 self 


376 """ 

377 cls._try_rebuild_model() 


379 # Intentionally not using `run_sync(config_load)` here. 

380 # We want to keep make the set up instructions blocking to avoid running 

381 # into mutexes. 


383 config_source = cls._validate_config_source(source) 

384 make_processor = cls._validate_processor_factory(processor_factory) 

385 processor = make_processor(await config_source.load_async()) 


387 processing_context = ProcessingContext(cls, processor, trace=[config_source]) 

388 processing.set(processing_context) 

389 try: 

390 self = cls(**await run_sync(processor.get_processed_data)) 

391 finally: 

392 processing.set(None) 


394 self._config_processor = processor 

395 self._config_source = config_source 

396 return self 


398 def config_reload(self) -> Self: 1abcdefgh

399 """Reload the configuration from the same source.""" 

400 source = self.config_source 


402 if source is None: 

403 msg = "Cannot reload a manually instantiated configuration" 

404 raise RuntimeError(msg) 


406 root = self.config_root 


408 # Create a new processor with the same options as the current one. 

409 processor = root.config_processor.create_processor(source.load()) 


411 # Construct a new configuration instance. 

412 # Respect __class__ attribute in case root might be a proxy (from proxyvars). 

413 new_root = root.__class__(**processor.get_processed_data()) 


415 # Copy values from the freshly loaded configuration into our instance. 

416 if root is self: 

417 new_data = new_root.config_dump() 

418 else: 

419 route_to_self = root.config_find_route(self) 

420 new_data = cast("Self", route_to_self.get(new_root)).config_dump() 


422 for key, value in new_data.items(): 

423 setattr(self, key, value) 


425 return self 


427 async def config_reload_async(self) -> Self: 1abcdefgh

428 """Do the same as `config_reload` asynchronously (no I/O blocking).""" 

429 source = self.config_source 


431 if source is None: 

432 msg = "Cannot reload a manually instantiated configuration" 

433 raise RuntimeError(msg) 


435 root = self.config_root 


437 # Create a new state processor the same options as the current one. 

438 processor = root.config_processor.create_processor(source.load()) 


440 # Construct a new configuration instance. 

441 new_root = root.__class__(**await run_sync(processor.get_processed_data)) 


443 # Copy values from the freshly loaded configuration into our instance. 

444 if root is self: 

445 new_data = new_root.config_dump() 

446 else: 

447 route_to_self = root.config_find_route(self) 

448 new_data = cast("Self", route_to_self.get(new_root)).config_dump() 


450 for key, value in new_data.items(): 

451 setattr(self, key, value) 


453 return self 


455 def _config_data_save( 1abcdefg

456 self, 

457 destination: object | None = None, 

458 ) -> tuple[ConfigSource[Any, Any], Data]: 

459 if destination is None: 

460 config_destination = self.config_source 

461 else: 

462 config_destination = self._validate_config_source(destination) 


464 if config_destination is None: 

465 msg = "Cannot save configuration (source/destination unknown)" 

466 raise RuntimeError(msg) 


468 root = self.config_root 

469 processor = self.config_processor 


471 if root is self: 

472 new_data = self.config_dump() 

473 else: 

474 # Construct a new configuration instance. 

475 # Respect `__class__` attribute: root might be a proxy, e.g. from proxyvars. 

476 new_root = root.__class__(**processor.get_processed_data()) 

477 routes = root.config_find_routes(self) 


479 for route in routes: 

480 route.set(new_root, self) 


482 new_data = new_root.config_dump() 


484 parsed_data = processor.get_processed_data() 

485 roundtrip_update_mapping(roundtrip_data=parsed_data, mergeable_data=new_data) 

486 flat_new_data = parsed_data.revert_replacements() 


488 data = processor.roundtrip_initial 

489 config_destination.data_format.roundtrip_update_mapping( 

490 roundtrip_data=data, 

491 mergeable_data=flat_new_data, 

492 ) 

493 return config_destination, data 


495 def config_save(self, destination: object | None = None) -> Self: 1abcdefgh

496 """ 

497 Save the configuration to a given destination. 


499 Parameters 

500 ---------- 

501 destination 

502 Where to save the configuration to. The argument passed is forwarded 

503 to `confizen.sources.get_config_source()` which will resolve 

504 the intended configuration source: for example, "abc.ini" will be resolved 

505 to a TOML text file source. Keep in mind, however, that for binary formats 

506 such as non-XML Plist you must specify its format type to binary, so in 

507 that case just create `BinaryFileConfigSource("plist_file.plist")`. 


509 """ 

510 config_destination, data = self._config_data_save(destination) 

511 config_destination.dump(data) 

512 return self 


514 async def config_save_async(self, destination: object | None = None) -> Self: 1abcdefgh

515 """ 

516 Do the same as `config_save`, but asynchronously (no I/O blocking). 


518 Parameters 

519 ---------- 

520 destination 

521 Where to save the configuration to. The argument passed is forwarded 

522 to `confizen.sources.get_config_source()` which will resolve 

523 the intended configuration source: for example, "abc.ini" will be resolved 

524 to a TOML text file source. Keep in mind, however, that for binary formats 

525 such as non-XML Plist you must specify its format type to binary, so in 

526 that case just create `BinaryFileConfigSource("plist_file.plist")`. 


528 """ 

529 config_destination, data = self._config_data_save(destination) 

530 await config_destination.dump_async(data) 

531 return self 


533 def config_at(self, *routes: RouteLike) -> Item: 1abcdefgh

534 """Return a configuration item at the given set of routes.""" 

535 return Item(routes=set(map(Route, routes)), config=self) 


537 def config_dump(self) -> dict[str, object]: 1abcdefgh

538 """Return a dictionary representation of the configuration.""" 

539 return super().model_dump() 


541 def __getitem__(self, routes: RouteLike | tuple[RouteLike, ...]) -> Item: 1abcdefgh

542 """Return a configuration item at the given set of routes.""" 

543 if isinstance(routes, tuple): 

544 return self.config_at(*routes) 

545 return self.config_at(routes) 


547 def __setitem__(self, item: RouteLike, value: Any) -> None: 1abcdefgh

548 """Set a configuration item at the given set of routes.""" 

549 self.config_at(item).config = value 


551 def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs: Unpack[ModelConfig]) -> None: 1abcdefgh

552 """Initialize the configuration subclass.""" 

553 super().__init_subclass__(**cast("BaseConfigDict", kwargs)) 1abcdefgh


555 model_config: ClassVar[ModelConfig] = ModelConfig( 1abcdefgh

556 # Be lenient about forward references. 

557 rebuild_on_load=True, 

558 # Keep the configuration valid & fail-proof for the whole time. 

559 validate_assignment=True, 

560 # Make it easier to spot typos. 

561 extra="forbid", 

562 ) 



565@advance_linked_route.register(BaseConfig) 1abcdefgh

566def config_step( 1abcdefgh

567 owner: type[BaseConfig], 

568 _annotation: Any, 

569 step: Step[Any], 

570) -> Any: 

571 """Return the value of a configuration attribute.""" 

572 return owner.model_fields[step.key].annotation 1abcdefgh



575@dataclass 1abcdefgh

576class Item: 1abcdefgh

577 routes: set[Route] 1abcdefgh

578 config: BaseConfig 1abcdefgh


580 def __getitem__(self, item: RouteLike) -> Item: 1abcdefgh

581 return self.config.config_at( 

582 *(route.enter(item) for route in self.routes), 

583 ) 


585 def __setitem__(self, item: RouteLike, value: Any) -> None: 1abcdefgh

586 for route in self.routes: 

587 route.enter(item).set(self.config, value)